How Crystal Healing Therapy Works
Albert Einstein famously told us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. They are interchangeable as he encapsulated in his most famous equation E=mc2.
Everything from a solid oak table to the air we breathe, including our own bodies, is composed of atoms. These atoms, which are the building blocks of matter, consist of subatomic particles that have both mass and energy. These particles are in constant motion, vibrating within molecules and contributing to the physical properties of matter.
Crystals have a highly ordered and consistent atomic structure. They possess a balanced and harmonious energy, or pulse, that remains constant. This energy influences and resonates with the energy fields around them, including our own, making crystals the perfect tool for energy work.
That’s why quartz crystal is used in a clock to keep the time; it’s also used in the micro chip and your credit card!
So just like a tuning fork, when we come into contact with crystal, our energies begin to resonate in alignment with each other, so the human energy field begins to harmonise with the crystalline energy to bring about peace and balance.
Harmonisation can be achieved by wearing crystal in jewellery form, sleeping with them under your pillow at night, the making of a crystal elixir with filtered water, or simply holding them during meditation.
Then of course there is Crystal Healing Energy Therapy, which has a super concentrated and powerful healing effect,
In a nut shell, crystals and healing therapy with crystals helps us to:
- Relieve and release stress
- Amplify your healing power
- Stimulate harmonious brain activity
- Restore the energy structure of your body and mind
- Stimulate personal growth
- Create carrier waves of pure vibrant energy.