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Crystal Kits, Crystal Eye Pillows and Gifts

A stunning selection of Crystal Kits, Gift Sets and Pillows, all hand-made and filled with love. Browse my stunning range of products below and gift your loved one with the perfect gift set that has been made with the utmost care.

I have a wide range of gift sets available below including bespoke crystal kits, chakra kits, smudging kits, and more.


Can crystal gift sets help with stress and anxiety?

Yes. Whether it’s yourself or a loved one that’s currently struggling with stress and/or anxiety, crystal box sets can massively help to alleviate some symptoms. We understand all too well that life can be hectic and stressful with so much to contend with and balance. But with our healing sets, you can make it that little bit easier and find comfort.

Can you tell me more about your chakra kits?

Great question, and one that we get asked all of the time. Essentially, Chakra kits are a group of healing crystals that is sold as a bundle and are used for healing each of the chakras. We provide a wide range of kits and products for Chakra work including; Deluxe Chakra Pillow Pack, Delux Chakra Pack, and Root To Rise Grounding Set. If you’re looking to take responsibility for your own healing, you will hugely benefit from our chakra kits.

Can you tell me more about your bespoke crystal kits?

Yes, of course. Our bespoke crystal kits are, without a doubt, one of our most in-demand crystal kits as they offer a truly personal collection of crystals and healing gifts. As well as our bespoke crystal kits, we also provide a personalised healing experience and a distant healing section which lasts for a duration of around 70 minutes from start to finish. Find out more about this section of products by visiting the dedicated page by clicking here.

Why even consider crystal gift sets?

Crystal gift sets/crystal box sets can be the perfect and most loving gift for a loved one. Whether you’re looking for bespoke crystal kits, smudging kits, or chakra kits, you or a loved one can benefit hugely from our kits. The crystals within our kits are proven to help promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Moreover, crystals can also help to alleviate stress, improve creativity, and enhance concentration too.

Why choose Vikki Gadd?

I absolutely love what I do and I’m thrilled to hand-make and deliver a wide range of crystal gift sets and crystal box sets. All gift sets are hand-made with the utmost love and care. I have been specialising in crystal energy products for well over 20+ years now. The healing power that our gift sets offer changes lives through their healing power with all products being hand-made, hand-selected, or hand-poured.

I have a few further questions, can I get in touch?

Yes, of course. Our FAQ section should answer the majority of your queries but if you still have questions outstanding, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today on 07788 776558 and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions and make your selection much easier!