Rainbow Moonstone Polished Wand
Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful milky white/grey crystal with stunning flashes of green and blue iridescence.
Nurturing divine feminine energy pours from this beauty, making it a wonder for working with your female powers and the energy of our moon to bring about balance and peace.
Rainbow Moonstone is a very soothing, calm crystal which can help your connection to the divine spirit and improve your own intuition.
Moonstone is wonderful at soothing the Sacral Chakra and so all matters of the female body, including PMT and menopausal symptoms.
Many women love Moonstone for its ability to balance hormonal and menstrual cycles and assistance with stress and emotions.
It’s wonderful for meditation or placement on the Sacral Chakra.
Approximate weight 210 g, approximate length is17.5 cm
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